International Insurance Institute, Inc. provides claims training, and a variety of other superior services dedicated to the enhancement of the insurance industry.
We offer a variety of superior services dedicated to the enhancement of the insurance industry. Our goal is to assist the claims environment in its many highly technical and ever changing methods of operation via our analysis recommendation and educational processes.
We strive to deliver information and education that is both enlightening and useful. We not only can assist in identifying needs, but fully develop procedures and training to facilitate immediate and significant improvement. With a track record of in-depth claims experience, we are committed to servicing the needs of our customers from beginning to end as no other individual company can.
From initial needs analysis to flowcharting procedures; from workflow documentation to improvement design; from program improvement development to implementation and monitoring; from training course development to facilitation, we will be there to fulfill your needs and exceed your expectations.

Carl Van, ITP, President & CEO of International Insurance Institute, Inc., graduated from California State University, Sacramento where he received his bachelor’s degree in Insurance. He has been in the insurance claims industry since 1980 and has held the positions of Claims Adjuster, Claims Supervisor, Claims Manager, Division Claims Manager and Regional Manager over Claims, Loss Control and Premium Audit.
Mr. Van has set up five in-house claims training programs for various insurance companies throughout the United States, and has written articles for Claims magazine, Claims Education Magazine, Claims Advisor, Claims People magazine, The Subrogator, The National Underwriter, California Insurance Journal and over 100 other national magazines. He is the author of over 75 technical and soft skill workshops being taught throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K.
He has been a keynote speaker claims conferences around the country, a guest on numerous insurance podcasts, a trainer at an international U.S-Japanese executive training program, a guest speaker at hundreds of claims association seminars, and selected as the opening presenter at some of the most prestigious claims conferences in the United States and Canada.
Mr. Van is the Dean of the School of Claims Performance, and has served as both board member and Regional Vice President of the Society of Insurance Trainers and Educators. He is owner and publisher of Claims Education Magazine, and board president of the Claims Education Conference.
Mr. Van is owner and publisher of various claims professional books, including the highly acclaimed book The 8 Characteristics of the Awesome Adjuster, which has sold internationally throughout the United States, Canada, Guam, Singapore, France, Australia, England, Chile, Ireland, and 25 other countries. Other books by Carl Van include Gaining Cooperation, Gaining Cooperation for the Workers' Comp. Professional, The Claims Cookbook, Attitude, Ability and the 80/20 Rule, The Eight Characteristics of the Awesome Employee, Negotiations Skills for the Claims Professional, and Awesome Claims Customer Service.
Just for fun he writes all lyrics to the songs performed by Carl Van and the Awesome Adjuster Band, and produced a documentary for PBS and WYES Television entitled "Love Letters: Samantha Fish Live from New Orleans."

Dave graduated from University of California at Davis with Bachelor degrees in both INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS and ECONOMICS. He has been in the insurance claims industry since 1986, and has held the positions of Claims Adjuster, Claims Supervisor, Claims Manager and Regional Claims Manager.
Mr. Vanderpan has had responsibilities overseeing Personal Lines Claims, Commercial Claims, Special Investigations, New Company Acquistion/Claims Assimilation and Commercial Auto Assigned Risk.
Mr. Vanderpan has been training claims professionals for nearly two decades and has developed and presented many in-house training sessions. He helped develop the material and presentation format of the most successful class offered by International Insurance Institute Inc. the popular Awesome Claims Customer Service which was featured in Claims Magazine.
Over the past several years, Mr. Vanderpan has taught classes to more than 20 different insurance companies in offices spanning 25 states and Canada.
He is a committee member of the National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters and has extensive knowledge in the fields of coverage and defense litigation covering 20 states.

Teresa spent 34 years in the insurance industry, leading to management and learning/development with a staff of training consultants, quality assurance specialists and business development managers.
She earned her ITP (Insurance Training Professional) designation from SITE and her CPLP (Certified Professional in Learning and Performance from 2011-2014) designation from the Association for Talent Development, specializing in Human Performance Improvement.
Ms. Headrick's corporate management experience, her senior leadership roles with national and local societies, and her commitment to the insurance industry make her uniquely qualified to write and train on the subjects of leadership and employee development.
She specializes in identifying and leveraging natural talents for any size organization or team using "StrengthsFinder 2.0- Now, Discover Your Strengths." She is widely considered the leading industry expert in guiding organizations on how to discover and apply strengths putting them to work to strengthen individuals and teams.
Other credits include being a licensed insurance broker and co-authoring Negotiations Skills for the Claims Professional, offered at Claims Professional Books.
Thank you so much! I thoroughly enjoyed your class and highly recommend it to everyone!
As always you kept things lively and engaging. The group continued talking about the (StrengthsFinder) session, and what we learned, all last night and into our wrap up meeting today. We appreciate your talent and are thankful for your visit!
I wanted to tell you how much of a help your workshop was. The technique you taught works amazingly. I feel more confident when discussing a claim.
It was a pleasure to be a part of the workshop and I greatly appreciate all of your insight. The information presented is extremely important for our functioning roles in the service sector and can be applied in each step of the claims handling process.
Had a great time and learned a lot.
The feedback I've received from everyone has been positive. Your presentation was engaging and very informative, and the session was such a valuable use of our time. I know I've already been finding ways to practice the skills and tools you provided, and I'm confident that our adjusters and supervisors are doing the same.
Your servcies are exactly what organizations need to improve business results and provide employees with just the right tools to succeed and offer exceptional service to our customers. We are grateful for your expertise and partnership.
Was truly impressed with this class and highly recommend this to any insurance related careers.
As expected, I received nothing but great feedback. He (Carl Van) truly is a master at training! Everyone was very engaged and can't wait to have him back! You guys are awesome!
Carl is the absolute best in the industry. Having been in the industry for over 34 years, I figured I had pretty much heard or seen of everything. Carl opened my eyes to things I have never thought of, and reminded me of critical concepts I had learned long ago. My staff and I have already started implementing improvements suggested and we loof forward to engaging Carl in our furture training needs. Everyone needs what Carl preaches.
As usual you did a fantastic job! The feedback from everyone was overwhelmingly positive.
Best training, I have been to in my 9-years of WC experience. So much good information that I have already implemented :)